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We exist to provide dependable transport solutions to the industries building our futures. We take pride in supporting the backbone operations of Canada's economy.

We offer reliable reefer trailer rentals to bridge the gaps in your truck line and keep your operations running smoothly at all times.

Reefer Transport Services

Reefer Trucing

Our reefer transport services offer a reliable and efficient solution for transporting temperature-sensitive goods across various locations. With coverage in parts of Canada, USA, and Mexico, we ensure that your products reach their destinations promptly and in optimal condition. We take pride in our specialization in on-time delivery, recognizing the criticality of timeliness in supply chain operations. Our professional drivers are more than just steering wheel holders – they are dedicated individuals who understand the significance of their role in ensuring the success of your business. With their expertise and attention to detail, you can trust that your goods are in capable hands throughout the journey. We prioritize the safe handling and proper temperature control of your perishable items, providing reliable reefer transport services that exceed industry standards and customer expectations.

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Canadian Map (1600 x 1400 px) (1).png

Reefer Trailer Rentals Steinbach and Area

Our reefer trailer rentals are the dependable and ideal choice for any growing truck line running temperature controlled freight. We are a team of hardworking truckers who are passionate about the industry. With a combined experience of over 25 years in trucking, we possess the knowledge and expertise required to understand the specific needs and challenges faced by trucking professionals. We pride ourselves on our commitment to reliability, ensuring that our reefer trailers are well-maintained, equipped with the latest cooling technologies, and thoroughly inspected before each rental. We prioritize the satisfaction of our clients, striving to provide exceptional customer service and prompt assistance whenever needed. When you choose our reefer trailer rentals, you can have peace of mind knowing that you are partnering with a dedicated and experienced team that values the success and efficiency of your trucking operations.

Reefer Trailer Rentals
About Us

Circle T Transport and Construction is a family owned and operated company offering a variety of transport solutions and equipment rentals. Founded in 2010, we merged passions for trucking and construction with hopes to provide quality work to quality hard working people.


A growing market demand for our unique approach to transport solutions has earned us strong relationships with the people we care about the most: our employees, our sub contractors, and our customers. We understand our growth is dependent on the growth of those around us and find joy in watching our customers succeed.

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